Sunday, April 28, 2013

Gobble Gobble

Beginner's Luck

Well, last post I mentioned that the oldest boy (9 years old) was going to come out on his first hunting trip.  As it turns out it was probably the best possible morning out in the field that a rookie could have.  It went kinda like this...

Wake up at 4:30am.  Meet Andy and load everything up.  Get out to the bush by 5:20am.  Have decoys set up and settle in place by 5:45am on the south side of the bush.  Where we set up was a wide gas line easement separating our bush from the next property over.  Wide open field so anything crossing over can be seen.

Immediately we heard gobbling at the far end of the bush and we felt good about our set-up.  Turkeys are gobbling in our bush, in a bush 500 yards or so away directly south, and in another bush about the same distance west of us.  Surrounded by them!

The juvenile bird hanging out near us

Around 6:20am we spotted a lone juvenile bird wandering our direction.  It got shy a bit out of range so we let it be.  I could still hear other birds gobbling so I thought we might still have a chance.  A few minutes later I heard the noisy turkeys in our bush come down from their roost and begin their day.  After not hearing any gobbles for a short time, three birds appeared in the easement, probably 100 yards away.  They were coming right towards our decoys.

All the way to us they would stop and strut, gobble and show off how handsome they were.  They were nice looking - three big toms.  With two tags between us I knew we could only take two birds, so we'd have to maximize our chances.  When they passed by us around 25 yards away, I took down what looked to be the biggest one with a loud boom.  Then Andy took one.  His tag was filled, too.  So much action for the rookie turkey hunter to take in...  He was pumped!  So was I.  It was so cool to hear all of that gobbling, have a single bird come around and then have three big toms come 'strolling down main street' right in front of us.  And we got two of them.  Awesome.

Two down, and a lucky bird leaving the scene

Our hunting blind.  Thumbs up from the rookie!

A father and son photo

Big birds

Andy took a few pictures and then set to work plucking and field dressing them.  Two hours, and two big piles of feathers later, we were walking back to the truck and loading everything up.

Plucking feathers, the 'not so glamourous' part of hunting.

He's done this before.

A beautiful morning with great weather, sharing a spectacular hunting experience with a great friend and my boy couldn't have gone any better.

Oh, one more thing...

                                  Sunday dinner will be turkey!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Turkey Time!

Open Season

The end of this week marks the opening of wild turkey spring hunting season in Ontario.  I am so looking forward to getting out and nestling down against a big tree far too early in the morning. There is nothing like watching the sun come up over open fields, slivers of light breaking between stands of trees.  The cold morning air giving way to the warm rays of spring sunrise... or more often, morning just being 'less dark, more grey' and drizzling rain.
Regardless of the weather, the sound of a big tom gobbling in the distance gets my heart racing and peaks my senses!   

Sunrise on some swampy hunting land


The Rookie 

This year I'm taking the oldest of our 3 boys out with me for the first time.  He just turned nine so maybe this is a bit of his passing from little boy to young man.  He's pumped about going hunting!  I'm excited by his enthusiasm.  I hope we see something while he's out with me - a turkey, a deer, a rabbit, raccoon, squirrels... anything!  I don't know if he'll be able to sit quietly for an hour or two but we shall find out soon enough.  I don't know if I'll be able to sit quietly!!

Tree stand in the bush.  

Deer footprint in the mud

I've always enjoyed getting out and spending quiet time in the woods.  Some of my best naps have been while 'hunting'.  I've seen some really cool things with animals and birds:  a blue jay sitting just out of arm's reach, squawking at me, alerting the rest of the forest of my presence; a squirrel running across my leg while sitting in a tree stand, then turning back in alarm because I didn't feel like bark; baby coons wrestling just a few feet from where I was sitting...  I've had lots of fun getting out with AK and NW for some fun hunting adventures.  I look forward to more adventures this year, too!

Half-Pint shot by one of his brothers.  He's the best at playing  'dead'.

I look forward to putting food on the table and adding another chapter to the stories I have to tell from the time spent out in the field.  It's pretty cool to be able to take part in the hunting heritage we have been blessed with in this country.

Food Chain poster in an elementary school

Oh, one more thing...

Anyone have any good recipes for wild turkey??

photo by Fred Boylen -, a London area photographer.